Truck Finance

ES has established an innovative approach to financing truck purchases. ES is a relationship company . We look at your work history, aptitude and attitude as part of our process. We are the industry leaders in truck financing and non-traditional lease purchase options.

Leaders In Truck Financing
& Non-Traditional Lease-Purchase

Are you a first-time buyer or a non-homeowner? Have you had bumps in the road with your credit history?

ES can help make your dream of truck ownership or upgrading your truck into a reality.

We have a proven process and network of lenders that can open doors to truck financing options that are designed for entrepreneurs.

At ES, we work to make financing equipment easy, fast, and affordable.

Explore our non-traditional financing options and lease purchase programs to see the opportunities are available to you.

ES Equipment Finance benefits include:

  • Market competitive rates
  • First time buyer program
  • Down payment assistance
  • Non-homeowner program
  • Assistance with locating Class 8 Expediter
    Straight Trucks and Tractors
  • Bank Financing
  • Non-Traditional Lease Purchase 

Endless Opportunities

The opportunity to start or grow a small business in trucking requires access to capital funds.

Owner-operators and fleet owners do not enjoy the same buying power afforded to larger trucking operations. When it comes to truck financing, ES can help you reduce your overall costs and assist you in securing equipment financing.

Take advantage of our many non-traditional truck financing options and see what you’re capable of obtaining. 


We Can Get You On Your Feet

Owner-operators and fleet owners who work with ES can obtain access to truck financing at highly competitive rates and terms.

One of the true strengths of ES Equipment Finance is our ability to work with owner-operators and fleet owners to grow your fleets through one of the best financing platforms in the trucking industry.

Together we are stronger.

Truck Financing With ES

Credit History Vs. Work History & The ES Credit Evaluation Process

Get Started!


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